Uncategorized Spring Market: Buyer Demand Persists and Seller Equity Soars Amongst Interest Rate Volatility As we sit almost five months into 2024 in the middle of the spring market and I reflect on how the year is going, I am grateful, amazed, and locked in on the stats. You see, the last four years since the start of the pandemic have been an eventful and wild ride. 2020 saw […]
Uncategorized ACCURATE UPDATE: The Proposed NAR Settlement Agreement and How WA State Stands Out As I am sure you have heard on the news, there is a proposed settlement agreement for the NAR (National Association of Realtors) Class Action Lawsuit. It has certainly stirred up plenty of headlines that have been glossy, and in many cases, inaccurate. Many of the reports and headlines have been national and it is […]
Uncategorized Matthew Gardner’s 2024 Economic Forecast Highlights  Last week, my office hosted our 16th Annual Economic Forecast Event featuring Matthew Gardner. Matthew is a sought-after economist focused on the national and local economies and has a deep understanding of the housing market across the country and right in our own backyard. He is an economic advisor for the State of Washington, Governors Council, lectures […]
Uncategorized Now or Later? Options to Time the Market for a Purchase Now or Later: When Rates Drop, Expect the Market to Tilt  The question that many potential buyers are asking themselves right now is: should I wait for rates to drop before I buy? Higher interest rates have certainly made monthly payments higher and challenged overall affordability, however it is important to consider creative financing options and […]
Uncategorized NEW Buyer Agency Laws Improve Transparency New Agency Law Changes: Transparency, Consumer Protection & Commitment      On January 1, 2024, major changes to the Law of Agency will go into effect. These changes result from the real estate industry in the state of Washington wanting to elevate the level of transparency and consumer protection surrounding buyer representation. Senate Bill 5191 was voted […]
Uncategorized Win-Win: How to Overcome Interest Rate Pressure with Creative Financing     Lately we have talked about life changes leading to real estate moves. Sometimes moves are brought on by joyful advancements in life and sometimes they are motivated by hardship. Then there are times when your actual house just doesn’t fit your life anymore and it is time for something different. Whatever might be calling someone […]
Uncategorized A Busy Legislative Session for Housing: 10 Bills Passed That Will Affect Housing in Our State On April 23rd the Washington State Legislature adjourned after passing 10 new bills that will affect housing. Some of the bills are geared toward creating more transparency around brokerage transactions, some are intended to institute more opportunities for building density to provide more affordable housing, and some are more regulatory to help guide and ease […]
Uncategorized Understanding the Difference Between Long-Term & Short-Term Interest Rates It is very important that consumers understand the difference between long-term interest rates and short-term interest rates. Long-term rates involve home mortgages such a conventional 30-year fixed, Jumbo, FHA, and VA loans. Short-term rates involve car loans, credit cards, and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs). While both types of rates have gone up over the course of […]
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Uncategorized Market stabilization, bank closures and free shredding event Housing Absorption Trends, Interest Rates Hovering, and Inventory Constricting.  Three key elements to pay attention to when assessing prices and the real estate market.    As we round out the first quarter of 2023, three real-time trends to pay close attention to in order to truly understand what is happening in the real estate market […]
Uncategorized Which is Better: Renting or Buying? The Financial Benefits of Owning Real Estate The financial benefits of owning real estate significantly outweigh the option of renting. Renting is certainly a must for some, and is what one may have to do while they build up to becoming a homeowner. Becoming a homeowner requires solid employment, good credit, and some type of down payment. Savings can all be built over time and […]
Monthly Newsletter  An Economic & Housing Forecast for 2023 by Economist Matthew Gardner Last week, my office had the pleasure of hosting Windermere’s Chief Economist, Matthew Gardner for his 2023 Economic and Housing Forecast. During this jam-packed hour of insightful delivery, he reported on the U.S. and local economies along with the U.S. and local housing markets specific to King and Snohomish Counties. If you are interested in receiving […]
Community Events Understanding the Current Shift in the Real Estate Market: How Interest Rates Affect Prices As we continue to examine the shift in the market, we must take a moment to take a deep dive into interest rates. Since the first of the year, long-term interest rates have increased 2.7% from 3.11% on 12/30/21 to the peak of 5.81% on 6/23/22, but have started to level out. On 8/4/22 rates […]
Community Events Understanding the real estate market shift: Location is key! There is an old adage in real estate: location, location, location. Where a property is located has the biggest influence on its value. Through the pandemic years, we saw a shift in how the location was valued. Before remote working became more common, homes located in neighborhoods that were closer to job centers such as Seattle were at […]
Eastside Quarterly Market Reports for Q2 2022 As we head into the second half of 2022, we are experiencing a shift in the real estate market. The market is starting to balance out after two years of an intense seller’s market. Q1 this year had the lowest amount of inventory we have ever seen, which put upward pressure on prices. With the […]
Community Events Summer Food Drive! Every year since 1984, Windermere has designated one day to help make a positive difference in the communities where we work and live. 2022 is the 7th year that my office has spent this day working to put fresh produce on the tables of local families who need a little help. On June 10th, my […]
Community Events Understanding the Current Shift in the Real Estate Market: PERSPECTIVE IS KEY! “How’s the market?” is a question I am asked all the time. It is a common segue in casual conversation over the neighbor’s fence, at a party or family gathering. Now more than ever, the answer to this question is critical and detailed. You see, our market is experiencing a shift, a slowing down of price growth, if […]
Community Events Local Farmers Markets: 2022 When you shop at a local Farmers Market, you’re buying outstanding freshness, quality and flavor. Knowing exactly where your food comes from and how it was grown provides peace of mind for your family. Plus, you’re supporting a sustainable regional food system that helps small family farms stay in business; protects land from over-development, and […]
Community Events The Gardner Report At Windermere, we are fortunate to have Matthew Gardner as our Chief Economist. In fact, we are one of the only real estate companies in the country to have such a well-respected expert sitting in this role. Not only is Matthew an asset to Windermere brokers and their clients, but he is a coveted resource […]
Eastside Quarterly Reports – Q1 2022 The 2022 real estate market started with a bang! We started the year with the lowest amount of available inventory we’ve ever seen coupled with interest rates a point lower than they are now, along with a plentiful buyer pool due to a strong job market and work-from-home influenced moves. The combination of supply and […]
Community Events Spring Market in Bloom – Keeping Perspective is Paramount As we round out the first quarter of 2022 and head into the notorious Spring Market there are a handful of factors that should be considered whether you are a buyer or a seller. Paying attention to the anticipated increase in housing supply, monitoring buyer demand, and assessing the effects of rising interest rates on the […]